Saturday, September 2, 2017

PARK BENCH by Chabouté

Gallery, Threshold, Pocket Books
Graphic & Comic Books
Publishing date September 19th 2017


From its creation, to its witness to the fresh ardor of lovers, the drudgery of businessmen, the various hopes of the many who enter its orbit, the park bench weathers all seasons. Strangers meet at it for the first time. Paramours carve their initials into it. Old friends sit and chat upon it for hours. Others ignore the bench, or (attempt to) sleep on it at night, or simply anchor themselves on it and absorb the ebb and flow of the area and its people.

My view

At first look this Comic Novel might seem a repetition of the same drawing with a few alteration.

A closer look, and life begins to move. The bench stands as an observer of our everyday life. As we walk past a same route day in, day out we overlook what surrounds us.
I loved the ending, very clever.

Thank you to NetGalley for this arc

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